Building Your Legacy

For many, one of the most rewarding aspects of wealth is sharing it with others. Whether your desire is to create a multi-generational wealth preservation and transition plan for your family, provide funding to a charitable entity, or provide for a family member's higher education, we have access to a variety of tools to help address your legacy and wealth transfer concerns.



We can provide estate planning analysis. With the resources of our affiliate Raymond James Trust, N.A. at our disposal, we can assist clients in the trust planning process and leverage the expertise of a professional fiduciary.


While many individuals give to charity, few take the time to create a well-designed charitable strategy that considers personal tax benefits and control over your investments. We can assist with strategies such as:

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Pooled Income Funds
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Donor Advised Funds
  • Private Family Foundations


For many, Section 529 college savings plans are an attractive way to fund a family member's higher education. In addition to tax-favored accumulation and withdrawal, you can maintain control over the assets in a 529 plan and change the beneficiary over time.


Others may consider the Coverdell ESA, especially when funding for primary or secondary education expenses.

Raymond James Trust, N.A. is a subsidiary of Raymond James Financial, Inc. Raymond James & Associates, Inc. and Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. are affiliated with Raymond James Trust.

As with other investments, there are generally fees and expenses associated with participation in a 529 plan. There is also a risk that these plans may lose money or not perform well enough to cover education costs as anticipated. Most states offer their own 529 programs, which may provide advantages and benefits exclusively for their residents. The tax implications can vary significantly from state to state.

You should discuss any tax matters with your tax professional.